Members of our Healthcare Sector Group reveal how they’ve been working with the NHS and Health Education England to bring a human factors perspective to the design of new community diagnostic centres.
Our 2025 conference will include a special session on medical devices, so if you’ve got work you want to share then make sure you don’t miss the deadline to submit your contribution
A new children’s hospital in Switzerland reveals how putting the patients’ experience at the heart of the design process can create more friendly and welcoming place for treatment
An award-winning new app could help tackle racial inequality in healthcare by improving medics’ ability to recognise symptoms of certain conditions in non-white mums and babies
This course is designed to introduce the science of Human Factors and how it can improve quality and safety in areas such as medication safety, teamwork, device design and analysing adverse incidents.
Women are less likely to be given painkillers and face a longer wait to be seen by hospital doctors, according to new research into gender bias and how patients are viewed by medics