Another great year!
The CIEHF’s AGM will take place online at 17:15 on Monday 14 April 2025. We'll be presenting our annual report and our CEO will be running through our achievements from 2024. Members will also be asked to approve the annual accounts after hearing from our Treasurer. We'll be confirming election of Registered Members or Fellows (or Retired, or Honorary Fellows) to the following positions: President Elect, Council Members (trustees) and Professional Affairs Board Members. We'll also be confirming election of a Technical Member as a grade representative on Council. We'll be seeking nominations online for all these positions in February through emails to members. Members must nominate themselves and their nomination must be received and seconded by two other members of the same grade by 28 February 2025. Proposals for changes by Ordinary Resolution to the General Regulations should be emailed to the Chief Executive no later than 1 February 2025. You can see the Regulations in the Charter documents below.
Attend the AGM
Where we've come from
Ergonomics emerges as a scientific discipline with the rise in military technology and the recognition that people would only benefit from it if they could understand and use it to its full potential. Civilian applications of technology and analysis of poor performance provides a growing body of evidence linked to difficulties faced by the human operator. Research leads to further investigations of the interactions between people, equipment and their environments.
Distinguished physiologists and psychologists meet in London to form the Ergonomics Research Society (ERS) which becomes the first such professional body in the world.
The ERS evolves to represent the current discipline and becomes the Ergonomics Society (ES) in recognition of the increasing focus on the professional application and practice of ergonomics.
The ES becomes a Registered Charity and a Company.
The ES is renamed the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (IEHF) to reflect the popular usage of both terms and to emphasise the breadth of the discipline.
The discipline’s importance is officially recognised by the award of a Royal Charter to the Institute and it becomes the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. The first ‘Chartered Ergonomists and Human Factors Specialists’ in the world emerge from eligible members.

A new look
In 2022, we took the big step of refreshing our look. Here's what we did.