Giving your business the human factors edge
Today’s business world is complex and challenging, with concerns about rapidly changing technologies that are transforming the nature of work, in addition to pandemics, climate change and resource uncertainty.
Improving the efficiency and performance of any company is central to the role of every C-suite business leader. And in a business climate where companies are increasingly finding it hard to hire and keep good personnel and where managing costs is paramount, there's no room to neglect the productivity and safety of workers. Human factors can help.
With more than 70 years of scientific knowledge behind it of how people work, human factors is about designing technologies, workplaces and processes to optimise human performance while at the same time reducing injuries and costs.
Embracing a human factors approach to a company’s operations provides a well-tested business tool for coping with major challenges. This new resource aimed at business leaders will explain how organisations have outperformed their industry competitors, and have seen ROIs from 10 to 500%.
Type: PDF
Length: 19 pages