Designing for people

Understanding the essential principles of user-centred design.


Delivery: Online
Provider: CIEHF
Format: Text, video and quizzes
Duration: Self paced, 45-60 minutes
Price: Free!

About this Bitesize Learning

Welcome to this micro-learning course, 'Designing for People,' a short course dedicated to understanding the essential principles of user-centred design. This course emphasises the importance of considering the diverse characteristics, strengths, and limitations of intended users. By exploring concepts such as inclusive design and universal design, this course will provide you with insights to design more inclusive and effective solutions. 

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Define the concepts of inclusive design and universal design, and list the seven principles of universal design.
  • Describe the differences between inclusive design and universal design approaches, and their impact on product accessibility.
  • Identify and describe the physical and cognitive characteristics of intended users that influence product design, including the importance of context in user-product interactions.
  • Outline the importance of early and frequent user trials and prototypes in the design process to ensure inclusivity and usability.
  • Recognise the aspects of product performance based on human factors, such as inclusivity, usability, speed, accuracy, safety, and enjoyment.

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